Wednesday, May 25, 2011

why am i doing this ??

Hello, whoever may or no may not be reading this :). My name's Melissa (or Mel) and I'm genuinely a happy person.  I have decided to create a blog to document the next two years of my life. I recently found out (like late last week found out) that I got into the nursing program at Rogers State University in the good ol' town of Claremore, Ok. I worked my behind to get into this program ! I spent many countless hours in the library and science lab. See:

I had wonderful study buddies that included this dude here (I also studied with humans, not just plastic models ;)).

Life is good and I'm really happy to start this new adventure. Well, happy is an understatement. I CANNOT WAIT!!!! I know these next two years are going to be crazy (possibly another understatement). INTENSEINTENSEINTENSE is what it's going to be but I have never felt more comfortable with a decision. I've got a couple months before classes start on August 11th so I'm just going to spend my summer enjoying myself by doing the things I love.

Until whenever!
- Melissa


The reason I'm becoming a nurse is quite simple. Two years ago, I had my head set on going to law school. I took that lovely LSAT (well, it was actually lovely; it sucked, quite frankly. The only thing I liked about it were the analytical puzzles. Those were lovely and fun) but then, I got sick. I'm not talking about the cold or flu sick but the if you ignore these symptoms like you usually do, you're going to die sick. In the spring of 2009, I started getting these headaches. They HURT. I just figured I was having migraines.Pop and Excedrin, drink a diet dr.pepper and I'd be okay. But as the months moved along, they just got worse and by July I was in the intensive care unit at St. Francis hospital in Tulsa, OK. Turns out I have a condition called hydrocephalus (that's where the cerebrospinal fluid-- which is actually quite important to the human body-- refuses to drain away from your brain and essentially you have "water on the brain" creating pressure and destroying brain tissue. NOT GOOD). I had to have brain surgery so they could insert a shunt to drain the excess fluid from brain. It was scary and I lost all my hair because they had to shave my head.

You can read a note about how I was feeling on m,y facebook here: . Please note there are TONS of spelling and grammatical errors. I wrote this just 4 days after my surgery and I was still feeling very ill, wasn't sleeping well, and was having morphine withdrawals.

But back to my decision to become a nurse. While in the hospital, my spirits were down but there were people to help lift them everyday. They were my family and friends, of course, and then there were the nurses and their support staff. They kept a constant eye on me and made sure I was comfortable and did whatever it took to make sure I wasn't stuck feeling sorry for myself. And it worked. I remember this time in the hospital as a life changing one and overall, I think it was a positive experience. It caused me to reevaluate my life and question what I wanted to do. and to be honest, I didn't want to be a lawyer.

I'm becoming a nurse because I have always been interested in the medical field as well as helping others. I remember in 8th grade we had to write an essay about what we wanted to be when we grew up. I chose brain surgeon (kinda ironic because now I have a brain surgeon of my very own). But really, I just hope I can make a difference to someone like those nurses did for me. I want a Melissa of my very own :).

Until whenever !
- Melissa

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